Water purification information

What impurities can the water purifier filter?

Views : 80120
Update time : 2021-12-27 14:41:27
They are all water purifiers. Why some can only filter sediment, while others can filter out drinking water? It depends on the filter element it uses. Most common water purifiers on the market use four to six-stage filter element combinations. On the one hand, the water purification effect is improved, and on the other hand, the division of labor and cooperation of different filter elements can extend the life of the filter element.

Primary filtration: filter rust, silt, suspended solids and other large particles of impurities for coarse filtration.

Secondary filtration: granular activated carbon filter element, decolorizing and deodorizing, can filter pesticides, residual chlorine and other organic pollutants to a certain extent.

Three-stage filtration: generally sintered activated carbon, and some manufacturers use PP cotton to deeply absorb different colors, odors, and residual chlorine in the water, and protect the main filter element of the water purifier.

Four-stage filtration-one main filter element: The main stage of purification effect also determines the "upper limit" of the water purifier's purification capacity. There are common types: ultrafiltration membranes and RO reverse osmosis membranes.

1) Ultrafiltration membrane: The filtration accuracy is 0.01 microns, which effectively intercepts impurities such as sediment, bacteria, and macromolecular organics in the water, but it has a poor filtering effect on small organic molecules and is relatively cheap.
2) RO reverse osmosis membrane technology: currently the world’s advanced filtration technology, with a pore size of only 0.0001 microns, which can completely remove bacteria, viruses, residual chlorine, pesticides, inorganic salts, heavy metals and other impurities in the water. The purified water is pure water , Can be consumed directly.
Five-stage filtration: The activated carbon filter element is placed at the rear to further absorb the different colors and odors in the water to improve the taste.

The life of the filter element is limited, and timely replacement of the filter element is a prerequisite to ensure the normal operation of the water purifier.
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